Answers to frequently asked questions. If you have a new question, please write it in the form at the bottom of the page or contact us.

Teplator is not dependent on one supplier of nuclear fuel, in addition, it can use already irradiated fuel from, for example, Dukovany NPP. Nuclear is considered as a clean energy (does not create acid rain, ash, CO2, nuclear waste will be processed and safely stored), Teplator’s service life is calculated for 60 years. The production price of 1 GJ of heat is an order of magnitude lower than that of conventional (gas, coal, etc.) heating plants. In addition, it can use existing steam pipelines and thus connect to the district heating infrastructure. The entire Teplator can be placed underground, which increases its safety.

We plan to operate TEPLATOR in so-called campaigns, while the duration of one campaign is currently considered to be approximately 9 months = the length of the heating season. In the summer, the reactor will therefore be shut down or operated at low power, which will correspond to the current demand for heat (e.g. process heat in companies). The TEPLATOR should also be equipped with heat storage, which, together with the regulation of its performance, should safely cover the current demand for consumption – i.e. cover fluctuations in consumption = your excess heat. Many new types of nuclear reactors already count on higher regulatory capabilities. The function of a nuclear reactor is based on a fission chain reaction, which can take place at almost any level of power output, i.e. the change in the thermal output of the reactor is dependent on the “amount” of fission in the reactor. If you reduce/increase the power according to the specified parameters and principles, it is not a problem to regulate the power in the interval from “0” to 100%.

We can take the fuel directly from Dukovany NPP (they export approx. 280 assemblies from the zone per year), which is licensed (also for returning to the zone from Spent Fuel Pool) and put it in the TEPLATOR, which needs only 55 pieces of it per year. So for the first 5 TEPLATORS you don’t need to take “older” supplies. We can also buy fresh fuel – from where, depends on the tender process.

ATTENTION: The Leipzig stock exchange only makes electricity more expensive for us, heat is sold directly, without an exchange. TEPLATOR will make it possible to avoid “European” mechanisms, when our cheap energy is “priced” and sold back. TEPLATOR will produce cheaply and sell cheaply in the Czech Republic.

We have invited the SÚJB management several times since 2019 to a technical presentation of TEPLATOR; they never sent anyone… But it is true that they are good at spoiling new things – similarly, ten years ago, they ruined the Czech MSR salt reactor project, which is now successfully operated by China. According to the Atomic Energy Act, they are supposed to keep quiet about politics, check nuclear safety (for example, such welds) and comment when they receive the documents. There is no negative opinion of SÚJB! We did not ask the state office for an official opinion. The findings of Mrs. Drábová are not the opinion of the SÚJB.

The Teplator meets the same safety criteria as every nuclear reactor in our country. However, meeting these criteria is significantly easier – lower operating parameters (pressure, power density) mean simpler safety systems. The reactor is smaller and therefore less vulnerable to a targeted war attack.

The Czech Republic currently has neither legislation nor methodology for assessing small modular and innovative nuclear reactors. That is currently, no such reactor can pass in the Czech Republic. The legislation and the approach of the SÚJB need to be changed. Teplator will not be licensed in the Czech Republic.

Obstacles common to all small reactor designs. A lot of calculations, a lot of engineering work, a lot of administration, it needs people and money.

A teplator is a nuclear source of low-potential heat. This heat is primarily usable for district heating of large urban agglomerations and for industrial use as drying and for greenhouse heating.

From the very beginning, Teplator has been counting on the use of heat accumulation, and this issue has also been intensively studied. The accumulation of heat is advantageous both for regulating the performance of the Teplator and for more economical use of the produced heat. Teplator does not count on electricity production.

The service lifetime is 60 years. (We conservatively calculate 35 years for economic analyses, but realistically it is 60 years.) We are the first in the world to calculate this. Until now, the calculation methods were not accurate enough for this.

Nuclear energy does not create acid rain, ash, ash, CO2 – but MOST IMPORTANTLY: it processes all waste itself and does not discharge it anywhere.

TEPLATOR does not produce CO2 or other new wastes (it can use existing ones). It is ecologically positive, and we can call it what we want, even the GREEN DEAL… It is, during the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, dead.

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